sâmbătă, 18 februarie 2012

Florin Dragan
In my opinion all men are blind. We do not see deep inside the women soul because we are carry by instincts. Our eyes looking beautiful faces, our hands touching the silky skin. With nose we looking nice smells and we want to hearing a pleasant voice. But the soul, the desires and the aspirations of women could be find them?...Are we, the mens, ready for this?... I've lost too many times by„ Por Una Cabeza „

2 comentarii:

capsunaru spunea...

Sunt mandru ca am dansat si la propriu si la figurat Tango cu Leo!
Tango-ul inseamna sentiment, pasiune si retinere!
"Por una Cabeza" inseamna sa pierzi la "un cap de cal" la pariorii din secolul trecut!
Eu, am pierdut de multe ori doar"la un cap de cal"

capsunaru spunea...
